Confession of a Selfish, Uncaring teenager.

I am a selfish cow, its always all about me, me, me.
Just ask my bf's friends.
I take up all his time, because its all about me.
But he offers it, so why can't I use it?
because they want his time too.

Like I see him everyday... more or less... we go to the same school. So i shouldn't demand all his time?

Maybe because I don't get enough at home?

I am ungrateful and selfish.

I got a brand new laptop... and my brother got an X-box... but here i am thinking its slightly unfair considering i'm older... and he already had a good laptop to start with... an i chose a small cheap 1 to save my parents money...

But i guess i kinda deserve it... because i have a river cruise with school this year, and then there's christmas, then I have the Ball... so yea... they're gonna be broke.

but... it's time for dinner... Garlic prawns =]

bibi. xx
March 15th, 2010 at 12:36pm