Body Modification.


Lately, something's been really pissing me off. This being the amount of...I d'know, prejudice maybe? against people with body modification (piercings, tattoos etc.).

I don't know why it annoys me so much. I mean I've only got one piercing, my lip and stretched lobes but I plan on getting more and I don't wanna be judged for it.

Example: I asked my mum if she would let me get my septum done, she said no. The reason? People would think I was some sort of freak. I'm too young, supposedly.

I'm gonna get piercings when I'm 16 for definite (Though apparently I'm getting kicked out for it), why wait? Obsiously, I'm not condoning twelve year olds having a faceful of piercings but I think a fifteen year old is viable of making this decision.

Another argument from Shona dearest, it'll prevent you from getting jobs. My question is why? Why should having a few pieces of extra jewellery stop someone from doing a job? Why would looking the way I want affect my ability to perform a service? It's fucking ridiculous.

Even when I get tattoos, I'm not gonna get 'FUCK' tattooed across my forehead, y'know? But I can't really get hand/neck tattoos because, fuck, I need to earn money.

Another thing, people who get plastic surgery don't get effectively discriminated against. Like, your noticably fake breasts are obviously more appropriate than a little ink here and there.

Basically, I think it should be someone's choice. They shouldn't have to regret altering their body simply because it puts restrictions on their life or they're scared what people will think. I agree with the age limits completely but if I'm sure I want a piercing at fifteen and nine months, what difference will the 12 weeks really make? If it's a mistake, it's mine to make and I can regret it, no one should have to worry for me.

I d'know, i'm mostly just whining aimlessly about shit but it pisses me off that I'm not allowed to get pierced because it's not 'respectable' -epic sigh-

1. Do you have any piercings/tattoos? If so, which?
2. If not, do you want any? If so, which?
March 15th, 2010 at 07:18pm