The Game of Life

I am at the game of life.
I am on the sidelines cheering.
They don't hear me.
I feel like I am wearing an invisible cloak
I am a piece of grass in a plain
A needle in a haystack
I am 1 in a billion people
Where is my last dock
I have been at sea for 12 years
If I shouted "SOS" no one will answer
If I screm for help no one will come
If I call their name they will ignore
When am I heard?
I am nothing
Others are something
I have no friends
My life is like being a tv and told what to do
How much lonelyer can I get
What Friends?
I talk to people only cause they need help
Where do I stand?
My life is ruined
My days are gone
Like minutes on a teenagers phone
All used up
Ban me from sins
So I can breathe hope
I cause flames
And people get hurt
I am weak
I am a low lifed person
Where is my position
Near or Far
I am a pack of 1
I am a lone wolf
I howl all night
Just like a stray wild wolf
No one hears my loud long howl
Why do I get left out?
March 16th, 2010 at 02:01am