Starving for 'Perfection'?

Okay, so everyone knows that today's society is royally fucked up. Pictures of skinny ass sticks litter the covers of our favorite magazines, the most successful movie stars are also the skinniest, most fit peoples I've ever seen in my life. The basic message is this:

If you aren't skinny, you won't ever amount to anything.

The publicity is poisining our minds and convincing us that we have to get skinny, and we have to do it at any cost. And I always thought that was complete bullshit...

Until last week when I got called fat. It's funny how such a little word can cause such enormous problems.

Since last Wednesday I've consumed a total of 200 calories everyday and ran my ass off trying to shed a few pounds. I subscribed to scary Pro-Ana sites. In the very short time span of just six days, I had fully committed myself to the Anorexic way of life. That little word made such an impact on me, I've never felt so depressed in my entire life. And tonight, after giving in and eating a total of three tacos from Taco Bell, I hit absolute rock bottom.

I. Made. Myself. Throw. Up.
And right after I did it, I cried for about two hours.

And thinking about it now, I can't believe I was so stupid. And I'm so glad that I snapped myself out of it, because I'm fucking beautiful just the way I am. And so are you. No matter what anyone says.
March 16th, 2010 at 06:22am