Wow that earthquake was a surprise

Hello peoples I'M BACK!!! Hehehe I did like manny ramirez for those who don't know him google him. So anyway as you know I live in LA and if you didn't know there was an earthquake today at 4:02 am. So yes I was sleeping like a baby when the shaking woke me up. Now my mom was already up trying to yank me out of bed but I fell backwards instead of forward causing me to fall off the bed.

Now we are all safe obviously or else I wouldn't be talking about this. I'm obviously thankful to be alright and it was only a 4.4 so no damage. Like I said before very happy to be safe because it's just like we've all seen what's been happening you know Haiti, China, and Chile. So I'm just glad my family is safe.

So in other news at school I don't know I just like got depressed because we had PE today and most of the time we do one or two laps with the choice of walking then we are done. Mind you the class is an hour and thirty minutes except Monday but that's a different story. So anyway I was just sitting in the bleachers writing my chapters for my story btw for my fans if their are any I'm making a new story and it's still about the pens. So yeah I was just sitting in the bleachers by myself and I just here these kids blabbing on and on and they're talking about "yeah she suck a d*** real good" and all kinds of crap. Now I know I shouldn't be worried about them and all that crap but seriously dude I'm in FREAKING MIDDLE SCHOOL! I'm so serious and it was like a couple of minutes before lunch ended and all of a sudden kids are just running tO one spot because of a fight. Now I stay away from that kinda crap my mom asked me to so I do. But jeez my school depresses me.

Oh and I have to worry about being jumped. I mean if you annoy me or are being stupid I'm gonna tell you. I've already had one incident where I was walking up the stairs and apparently it was too slow for one girl so she goes "Hurry up you retarded bi***" Now it's the morning and I'm tired so I didn't say anything just because I was basically half sleep still. However I was walking home and the same girl just barges through since there's like a crowd but she somehow not really pushes me but you know holds me back so that she can get through saying "Watch out" now there I told her "watch where you're going" but I don't think she heard me. Oh and kids are always trying to talk about my socks. Now I own those wacky knee and over the knee socks that are either bright neon colors or a pattern of colors and they always try talking about me. I don't understand if I cared about what you thought I wouldn't wear them. Now if they think they look stupid they don't say anything but there are people who compliment them.

Oh yeah and I've been in a fight well it wouldve been if my common sense wasn't there. Basically some dude made my friend cry so I calmly asked him what was up when his friend comes out of nowhere going "what are you gonna do what are you gonna do?" and I looked at him doing my best to ignore him but he eventually got under
my skin. So we kept arguing back and forth and he swung on me. Now I'm a blue belt so I blocked him and swung but stopped halfway through and walked away. However I learned I couldve kicked the little b*****d's a**. You don't realize how mad that made me when the principal, assistant principal, and my mom said they would've hurt him I was pissed.

Ugh now I'm mad reliving all of this again so I'm gonna go. BYE!!!


1. Do you like your school?

2. What's your favorite desert?

3. What are you listening to?



2. All

3. My iPod
March 17th, 2010 at 12:39am