Might Not Be On Much

Hey fellow Mibbians!!
Alright, I might be on a little less. I'm trying to get a job at the country club near my house as a busgirl or hostess. I'm actually excited! I'm in dire need of a job to tell you the truth. I hate being away from Mibba, but I need a job! It also looks good on college applications which is what my Mum wants.
However I still need to get the interview over with but I think I have a chance of working here because of my Mum's 'connections'. ^.^

Also, I just posted up a new poem called Follower. I think it's pretty good, can you check it? And I have a new co-written story called they Didn't Know Of Each Other. Can you check 'em out?

Also feel free to leave some story suggestions for me!!

1. How was your day?
2. Anything fun going on?
3. Do you need someone to make you a banner?
4. Favorite show(s)?
5. Got anything on your chest you need to talk about?
Email me at kay.and.rae@gmail.com

forever yours,
March 18th, 2010 at 01:25am