Ho Hummm

Gahhh only like 50+ days until my actual graduation!
This is so incredibly terrifying, I mean; I'm excited and everything. It's just that reality is starting to hit me and soon I'll be gone to University.
Me+University = Hardly any time to write.
I'm already pretty slow on updating. Mainly because I can only write when I have these random bursts of creativity. Plus for "I Love You Benjamin Stone" I need to find the Hamlet scene I mentioned in it. If someone knows it... Can you send it to meee? :D

About stories.
Yeah, I'm aware that most of you are probably like WTF when it comes to me and all. Since I'm such an unpredictable updater. I'm sorry; really I am. I'll get around to it but lately there's been midterm exams, concerts and random junk along those lines.
I'm pretty much just being a goon. So I'm sorry if most of you aren't impressed with my lack of updates.

I'll post when I actually buckle down and get something down. *Sigh*

Tay :)
March 19th, 2010 at 04:23am