what the actual hell?!

So you really like this person right, but they tell you they want to be friends. You're gutted, and that person feels horrible and guilty and appauled that they've hurt you so badly and it makes their life hard having to drift away from you even though you agreed to still be friends. Then you get a girlfriend.

Thanks. Prick.

I have spent the last three weeks feeling sick to my stomach and close to tears with guilt because I hurt someone who had been such a good friend to me and all of a sudden, he gets a girlfriend.


My life has not been easy so far in 2010 and I've wasted my time trying to be a friend to this guy and its just been thrown back in my face by him and now out of the blue, he gets a gf! Didn't like me that much obviously.

I'm angry and very upset. Guys don't go for gorky ginger girls. So I was incredibly flattered when this guy did and I loved having him as such a good friend and it hurts that we've drifted apart so quickly. Even when I do the right thing, it goes horribly wrong for me.

Why do guys do this? They say girls are bitches to them, well their not exactly charming in return are they?! I feel so lost and used.
March 19th, 2010 at 10:06pm