Snake! It's a snake! (A rant and letting off steam)

I noticed something, and this seriously bothers me, about some people complaining about everything on this site. And Christians who think that everyone is against them.
Please note that this is a rant about both. And of you don’t have something nice to say, don’t type anything on the keyboard no matter how much it beckons you, shines, or even tempts you with chocolate.
At least not until you've read the whole thing. So if you do plan to comment, read the entire journal, because I will know if you haven't.
Peer Pressure. Everything in this world leads to it.
I joined this site to get away from the religious crap in the world (now I’m starting to realize that not only are the people on FanFiction a lot nicer but when they don’t like something or their opinion doesn’t go along with it, they don’t bash each other’s skulls in). Not, like, a break away, be crazy type of thing, but I thought my religion and views and opinions wouldn’t get torn apart on a writers site because I have thoughts just like the rest of you people and damn-it-all-to-hell I’m going to say them!
You don’t have to read this. No one is forcing you. I’m a carefree person who regularly doesn’t give a monkey’s @ss about this crap, but I’m tired about people getting offensive over everything.
But I can promise you that it might actually be worth your time.
God created sarcasm. It makes his day amusing.
Now that I’ve got all that out of the way; the meat.
Sure, I’m a Christian (Cha! BITE ME!) and I’m not a very “stereotypical” one—which is just how I like it. Sure, I sin, yeah, I pray. I go out with church buddies to Buffalo Wild Wings and we could talk about Jesus but, come one, put a whole bunch of horny--cha, I'm kidding--we just have conversations about things that go on in the world and, huh, certain--cough--things that our pastor (if he wasn’t there along side us making the same jokes) would probably gasp about and spray holy water all over us—“Devil child, Devil child!” (I love Hairspray, awesome movie).
Heck, we played a giant scavenger hunt that scared some kids witless because we chased them for three blocks screaming like lunatics (it’s all right though; they signed up to get hunted by mad people with water guns).
-I curse.
-I’m a Pervert
-I laugh at all the “rules” (really? There’s only ten, people, why do you add more?!)
-I love reading Revelations and Enoch
-I grin at Jesus tearing apart Pharisees
-I wince when people say Mary Magdalene instead of Mary of Magdalene (it’s history people, and I just so happen to be a history nut)
-I am not afraid to go up to my atheist friend and tell her “Jesus doesn’t approve”
-I am also patient and understanding when she tells me that she’s sick of Christians telling her that she’s so unhappy with life because she “hasn’t found Jesus yet” (God, I’m sorry girlfriend, you seem to have the worst experiences.)
-I’ve listened to a woman who walked across America for Jesus and found that she’s changed a lot of lives by not forcing her religion on anyone
-I know that most people think as church as fancy-get-in-your-best-clothing time.
-I am very lucky to go to a church that wouldn’t care if I came in wearing a chicken costume and said “this place is f*cking awesome!” (That’s our motto, by-the-way)
-I have heard men berating women because Eve ate the apple first.

That is only a small list of what I am in a Christian sense. I hope I’m not going to Hell because I made a little mistake (isn’t that why I believe in Jesus Christ in the first place?). I believe God loves everyone. Because he said so. Like, so many times I won’t even dare go to count. And why does he love everyone? Because he just does. Like a mother, a father, a son, a daughter.
“Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” 1 John 3:16. I don’t know about you, but in my English vocabulary us can mean a hell of a lot of people. So, I try not to hate anyone, but lord knows I do it anyway.
I’m human.
Sue me.
Now, you may laugh at this all you want, but no one sums this up better than Patience:
“Pain is our birthright. It’s what makes us human, what binds us to each other. Without suffering, there is no joy. No comfort. Our wounds are the windows through which our souls enter our bodies. And thus the world is made flesh.
“That’s it.
“History is a liar. A book written and rewritten a thousand times over. A battle waged over the names of God and modes of worship. But the truth is unchanging. We carry it with us. It sings inside us. We only have to listen.”

And guess what? I have never heard a more truthful statement. The sad part is, she’s a comic book character.
Ha. Goes to show those people at Mad Cow have more guts than most religious people in the world. GO MAD COW! WITCHBLADE KICKS @SS! YEAH! And Crystal Dynamics and Edios should give you back publishing rights for Tomb Raider! But I know they won’t… sad day… sad day…
What I love most about myself is I’m not introduced first as a Christian (that’s not saying I’m not proud of being one) but as a nice person who rants, tells the truth, and listens (and gives away her homework, but don’t tell my teachers). I offer a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, a mouth to say things to cheer people up, and a hand that can write like the Devil and draw like an Angel. That’s the way I am, that’s what my religion and parents forced me to be. And I love my life because of it.
That’s not to say it’s not without flaws. I get pissed off, sometimes I want to go home and die, but then I write and I write because I know I got this talent for a reason and I might as well go for the entire screaming-my-lungs-out ride.
So, please don’t start a fight on this journal. I don’t care if you reply at all. I wanted to get this out of my system before I went to sleep because I know that I would be suffering from insomnia again if I didn’t get this out there.
Hell, I suffer from insomnia anyway.
I wish you a pleasant night full of Monkey Brains, sharpened pencils, and Weekend Happiness.

I’m starting a Grim Revolution.
Hell yeah.

“The pen is mightier than the sword. The pen creates worlds far beyond our imagination. The pen introduces us to people we love. The pen creates life that lives on forever.
“The sword only brings death.
“And for some… much too soon.”

Geoff Johns, October ‘08
March 20th, 2010 at 06:40am