So Bored Out Of My Mind That Im Losing It BLARGH! (REVISED!!!!)

Hello people I'm back but not on a good note BECAUSE I'M BORED AS ALL FREAKING GET OUT!!! Ok so school has been good this week. Um Matt (the guy I've recently discovered that I like) is in my first and second period classes so we see each other often. He's asked me to be his math partner (second period) everytime we can work together on our work. It's honestly pretty funny too because he sits behind and a seat over from me. So if I just go back a seat I'm seating next to him. Anyway like I said he's really funny because he's always like "Hey Logan you know we make pretty good partners" and I always ask back "Matt do you want to work together?" And then he gets wide eyes and goes "Well jeez Logan if you want to be partners so bad come on." So we usually work together blah blah blah and he always makes me laugh either when I get an answer for a problem and he starts "crying" going "Logan why would you leave me behind your so cruel." And he says it like stewie so it's pretty funny.

Ok so that's done um oh yeah. My mom is pissed at me because I'm getting a B+ in math. Ok so I've been getting straight A's on first semester and in second my only class that changed is math which is where I'm getting B+. So I tell my mom and she is completely pissed and wants to kill my teacher. I'm not sure if it's the crazy hormones or just her or both but it's pretty scary.

Ooooo another thing. Me and my friends walk to library well they walk to the library from school I just walk home but my house is a stop on the way to the library. So anyway my retarded friend Elizabeth is always hyper and jumping on me. So anyways she was jumping on my backpack while I was wearing it and freaking broke my strap. Now that was the second backpack I had been through in one week. I'm using a new one and it's still cool but it's one of those one strap across the strap backpacks and it's been killing my shoulder and back since I hve so much crap in my backpack.

Ok like I said things haven't been very eventful and I'm still bored so I'm gonna try to find something to do. Oh and by the way for my fans if I have any a new chapter should be up sometime next week ok. BYE NOW!!!!



1. Do you eat a lot?

2. What type of music listen to/like?

3. What are you doing besides mibba?



2.All mostly rock

March 20th, 2010 at 11:37pm