Cats Have 9 Lives...So Thats How Many for Austin?

OK... So the other day I was sitting in Science talking to Dalton. I cant remember why, but we were talking about my friend Colby. I think it was because Dalton was going on about how all his neighbors have rebel flags in their yards. THEY DONT! Talking about Colby made me think of him and Austin, which made me think of how much stupid stuff theyve done. Some friends almost kill each other once, but these guys do it on a daily basis. So I made this list of the things theyve done.

1. We were at VBS and i was helping out. Colby and Austin were, too. At least they were supposed to. Austin went over to Colby's about an hour before that and they were supposed to be at the church by now. Both of thier moms were flipping out, trying to find them. Austin left his phone at his house, Colby didn't have one, and they weren't answering the house phone. About halfway through VBS Colby and Austin walk in. Austin is dripping wet and Colby has this stupid grin on his face. "I saved Austin's life" he said. It turns out that they were fishing and Coby was rocking the boat, trying to scare Austin. Austin ends up falling in and Colby is too pussy to get in and get him. Lets just say Austin's not a good swimmer.

2. Ausin was over at Colby's house again. There was a sqirt gun laying around the yard from Colby's nephew, Levi. They decided to fill it up with gasoline and wrap a rag from the garage aroung the stick and make a torch. Once they had the torch done they lit it on fire. Colby told Austin to hold the stick while he squirted gas on it. Austin severly burnt his hand and they were both grounded.

3.Once more Austin was over at Colby's. This time they were drinking. Colby wasn't, but Austin was. Once Austin got really drunk they started goofing around. Colby started texting Allie and told her Austin was drunk. She didn't belive him and told him to go to the park were Taylor, me, and her would meet him. Austin and Colby walked over there, Colby staying on the side of the road and Austin swaying around in the middle of the road. One of those really quiet cars came up behind him and because it was dark they didn't see him. They came right up behind him before they finally saw him and hit the brakes. Austin would probably be a pankake if they didn't see him.

4.They peirced Austin's ear. Not very deadly, but stupid.

5.We were goofing around, me, Austin, Colby, and Allie, when Austin found out that it sound really cool to beat on the bass strings with drumsticks. That wasn't so bad until Colby tried and started beating the crap out of it. His bass now is broken and his mom won't buy him one, she's making him work for the money and they aren't cheap!
March 21st, 2010 at 02:52am