hang on

The world. It can more often than not be a tough place to live in. There are many things in this world that drive people to there wits end each one specific to each person. After a while these things may get to us and devour us from within, thats when we need a little help. People all over the world are committing suicide feeling like no one is there to help them. They feel as if they are outcasts shunned from the rest of the world and from society. These are the people who the worlds hardships affect the most, these are the people who need a good friend and a shoulder to lean on. In this journal I am asking everyone if you know a person like this i want you to do everything in your power to help them feel accepted feel loved and feel like they belong. If you are one of those people I urge you to hold on you have an entire life ahead of you and your wasting it! This is not how life was intended to be lived hang in there your life is precious even if sometimes it just dosent seem that way. Please help these people at the very least a kind word let them know that whatever hardships there facing they do not have to go at it alone we are all here for you the world is here for you. Dont give up live life to its fullest!
March 21st, 2010 at 10:22pm