Dear Reader.

So this is something like a Blog. Nice. I might update and post some "journal Entries" here but since I already have my very own Blog...well I think you'll get more out of reading that instead! Sincerely!

It is called Confessions of a Reincarnated Rockstar Vampire in which I confess everything and anything.
I ramble about my life, movies I've seen, books I've read and things that annoy me. Many posts will probably be gushing over Johnny Depp's brilliance and the fact the John Mayer's voice gives me goosebumps, so bear with me please. It also contains some interesting things and stuff that is actually relevant, but I warn you some stuff you find there doesn't have much of a point nor does it make much sense. Those post were probably written during a sugar-high/so-tired-my-brains-might-fall-out period.
So if you are interested in reading about my not-so-exciting life and even more bizarre ramblings than this one...Check it Out!

You can find it on: Confessions of a Reincarnated Rockstar Vampire

Peace Out,

March 22nd, 2010 at 03:07pm