Should I be mad?

I don't know where to start. If anyone has been reading my recent journals they are about how I'm fighting with my friends. Well I'm still fighting with them. We agreed to leave them alone but they are still harassing us. They are threatening us too. They keep talking about how they are going to kill us at lunch time. I kinda find that funny. I know they are just saying these thing s because they are hurt right now. But that's not what I'm upset about. My ex friend that was telling everyone he was gay lied about being gay. He was telling everyone he was gay so he could go out with my other ex friend. I don't have a problem with him being gay or not gay. I am just upset because he told everyone this whole time that he was gay. I don't even know if I should be or not. Should I be?
Another thing, I want to become friends with these people again but I don't know how. If i talk to them I get suspended. I don't even know how to make it up to them because I don't even know what I did to make them act like this. I just miss my best friend. How do I show them I appreciate them and become their friend again? Help.
March 24th, 2010 at 02:57pm