change, its growing on me but its good, because not much has.

The school holidays are starting in 11mins and they'll be for 2 WEEKS, which isn't much, but on the contrary. It's LONG enough! Just enough time to make a little bit of money and also relax for the next long term ahead. I'm sorry that I haven't been on in a while, i've just been adjusting to change.

For example;
- My mum and Mark have decided to start talking to each other, therefore no spliting up.
- I've wrote more songs and poems, inwhich i refuse to post on here incase they get stolen, which is wrong.
- I've failed multiple test, which i made back up with all the great help from my teacher, seriously they can be okay. (I can't believe i just said that!) :)
- As always i'm flying through my English work, because its my favourite subject, by far.

Life is looking up and i'm also thinking that I now officially hate red meat! What does that make me?

I need to shoutout and thank someone (not sure of the username at this current time) who helped me with something that I think is called contractions? I've been using them at school and my teachers are happy I FINALLY understand!


Although, I have homework these holidays. I'm doing it straight away so the rest of my holidays are free!

March 25th, 2010 at 05:18am