
Ok, I thought the first round of splits and break ups were just bad luck... I mean Panic!, Go:Audio and FOB... that was bad enough...
Gotta say I was least devatated about FOB, not cause I love them any less but, they've had a good run, LOADS of songs, not like G:A or PATD.... panic slightly more bearable as the band is still there just minus 2 members (sad in itself :() but G:A!!! complete break up, barely been here at all, make the most catchy adictive music, can't understand whatthey mean by feeling it's not going anywhere...
And now I get the WONDERFUL news that Bob's LEFT MCR!?!?!??! is there saoemthing in the water? Is everyone just sick of music??? I mean BOB!!! I LOVE Bob! He's the DRUMMER!!! I'm glad MCR haven't splitall together ofc, but still majorly dissed about Bob, as this is getting like some sort of massive funeral pyre for bands I love that just keeeps building and building.

In the middle of an MCR fanfic as well, so.... :'( I'll still carry on ofc, but... :'(
If this gets any further, it's officially soe sort of joke. :/
March 25th, 2010 at 09:36pm