My Hair! I'm gonna cut it. And questions about your hair!

My hair is SUPER damaged! I have to cut it! But i'm scared :/ what if it does'nt look good?

This is me now


I know, I look like a little kid. it was taken on halloween, but I'm NOT a little girl. I'm gonna be 16 this year:)

I was thinking about cutting it like this?


except longer. like with the front parts touching my shoulders. I'm so scared!

I've colored my hair ALOT and i'm done so much crap to it. It looks really damaged now.
So, i decided to change it. Oh, and i'm getting new glasses too!:)

Okay, well time for questions!

1. Do you think it'll look ok on me?
2. What does your current hair style look like?
3. Has anyone ever messed up while cutting your hair?
4. If so, what did you do?

March 26th, 2010 at 01:10am