
It's been over a month since I've last been on Mibba. I haven't had any material to work with and the originating material on this site that I've been working on isn't going anywhere with my insane writers block. I just wish I could come up with a story - be satisfied with it - and also have my Mibba friends like it. People tell me they like my work, but I'm not exactly convinced. They say "I'm going to tell my friend to read some of your stuff!" and they never do. It's a disappointment, but shit happens. I just hope to be able to get out of my writing funk and actually be able to create art with my stories.

If anyone read this, I appreciate you and - if you're going through the same thing - Send me a message and we'll converse. I'd like to meet more people and get more ideas to spark my dead writing brain.

March 26th, 2010 at 05:31am