Jewish Agency for Israel

So on Facebook the other I day I was talking to the Jewish Agency about how I got to Israel. Turns out they really liked it because this was the response I received.
"Jewish Agency for Israel That's awesome...If you blog about your experience in Israel as and as a lone soldier let me know. I would love to post it here & tweet it :)"
This is directly off the facebook page. How cool is that?
The jewish Agency's facebook has over 5000 alone! Imagine that plus twitter!
I gave them my blog link. How could I not?
Its a little weird because now I get random people messaging me. But in a way its pretty cool. Ive been able to help a few people find out information. Also I got alot of messages from people thanking me. i also got some creepy marriage proposals... ew. got a boyfriend thanks very much. i also have people asking me if i want to live with them during my service.
also i met a wonderful woman from nj whose son is here and is doing the same thing i am except started a few months before me. She has been doing everything to get me to meet him. She misses him so much. She is such a sweet lady. I talked to his son today on the phone and he turns out to be pretty cool. we would have met up except for the fact that im legit broke out of money and in the negative of my bank account. my mom put some money in for me today but i cant touch the money yet and everythings pretty much closed since its shabat. :(
i dont really like that he calls me babe but you know what if thats the only bad thing i have to say i think thats pretty good.
its nice to know that there is a person in a similar situation to mine. He is a Chayal Boded and so am I. the only difference is, is that hes a guy and im a girl. obvs. but here that is a big difference. you almost always and only hear stories about chayalim not chayalot. chayalim is male soldiers. chayalot- a chayalet boded. there are maybe 3 stories of girl lone soldiers i can say ive hear of. and i think it might 2 now that im trying to remember. but i did hear of 1 girl from maryland through the boy i just talked to today's mother. his name is Benny. the moms name is Lori. and the girls name is ariel.
so anyway i can see why the jewish agency is interested in my blog. now i must say that i am by no means a professional blogger. i have no idea how to place the pictures. i cant get them next to each other so they are all just in a looooong line making the post longer then it actually is. but the thing is here is a girl from ny coming to israel all by herself. no friends no family nothing. the jewish agency likes showing peoples experiences in israel and letting people know what its really like. then to top it off i VOLUNTEERED for the army. thats a story all its own. So now its a girl from ny volunteering for the israeli army. but what makes it unique is the fact that i am a lone soldier. i am a chayal boded. i am here as a female soldier all alone in a hebrew speaking country that i am by no means fluent and i volunteered. there are almost no stories like mine. this is why its so interesting. its like a world thats never talked about. its still a mystery. now they have a chance to show the world a female lone soldier's journey and what its really like. its nice to know that im helping out in that way.
theres the link to my blog if you guys are interested in reading it :) i hope you are. there are alot of pictures so you can see the real israel.
the israel that is seen on the news with all the constant fighting is not the real israel. they make it seem so much worse then it actually is. they spin all the situations and details. they sometimes dont even get all the facts. what ever gets you ratings right?

anyway i just checked the twitter site! they posted it!!! Im so excited!

"Check out this blogfrom someone who will be a #LoneSoldier as of May. Read her thoughts about moving from NYC to Israel
1:06 PM Mar 25th via HootSuite"

ahhh thats what it said! :D they have 2837 followers on twitter. hmm im wondering should i make a twitter now just to promote my blog?
but ahh so cool they promoted it on twitter. barely anyone looked at it but still its okay because for those that do want to read it will get to learn the raw truth the real deal.
okay its 1251 am its time for me to go to sleep. spring break or not. i plan on cleaning the day away. my room mates are disgusting pigs like honestly. if you spill something clean it up. used toilet paper goes in the toilet or garbage can not next to the toilet bowl. my god.
anyway lilah tov (good night) and i hope you read my blog and enjoy it.
March 26th, 2010 at 10:51pm