Lets all get pregnant! Mom thinks I'm fat. [ *** stories, you know the deal]

I'll get to my main heading in a moment. But first, what's up in my life, at the moment.

I'd like to let you all know that grade twelve advanced functions is going to kill me. It honestly drains all my energy and time and I have no idea why I'm taking it because I hate it more than I hate Justin Beiber and the Jonas Brothers combined. Thats is a lot of hate. I'm even more angry because I just found out that I really don't need the class, so basically I'm taking a class that I'm not really ever going to need. It's too late to drop it and pick up a new class and if I drop it for a spare, I won't make honour role. Lame. Anyways, I just got a test and a quiz back. Fifty percent on the test, seventeen percent on the quiz. I just don't get it. It really sucks, I have no idea how my parents will react to this huge academic failure.

I'm officially a single girl. Not sure if I'm sad or happy, but whatever it is, I'm alright with it. It's for the best and I know that I'm making the right decision for myself and for my future. Also, he's probably happy now that he can mess around and not worry about being caught. We're still friends.

You should read my stories Bullet Proof and I haven't met you yet. Both original fiction; Bulletproof is a lot of drama with a touch of romance and I haven't met you yet is about an equal share of both. I love them both dearly and I promise you that if you read and comment I will surely return the favour.

Right this way to the main attraction!

Pregnancy pressure? That's crazy, right? WRONG. At my school lately pregnancy is something that you flaunt proudly, whether you're fourteen or fifteen or eighteen. In my opinion, that shouldn't be flaunted at any of those ages. Anyways, all my friends who know the gender of their babies are having boys. So exciting. But my one friend is pregnant and she thinks it would be be, omygod, SO FUN if we had babies together. Uh... I don't even make myself dinner if I can help it. Why the heck would I want to be responsible for myself and a child? You crazy girl. Not everyone wants to be pregnant! Anyways, I have a couple friends who are pretty harpy about the baby thing.

Oh, you'd be SUCH a good mom!

It would be so fun to be moms all together!

It'd be an adventure.

'Scuse me ladies, but that is one adventure I'll pass on for, oh I don't know, atleast another five years. I'm sure my parents would LOVE if I planned my teen pregnancy. Thanks, but no thanks chickies.

----> Also, my mom thinks I'm fat and isn't going to get off my fat cells until I do something about it, so I need some tips on getting all healthy and such. I'm lazy and I like junkfood. Could be a problem. Help???

Love y'all.

March 27th, 2010 at 03:47am