Yoo-hoo? Any Beta-Readers Out there?

I'd like to thank all of those lovely people out there who took the time to rate, message, and even banner. Unfortunately, Quizilla won't let me post pics like of characters and banners, but you can find them on Mibba and on links. I've been thinking about getting a Beta Reader, and if you don't know what that means, let me enlighten you: it's basically an editor who critques you on grammar, spelling, plot, characters, etc.....so if you know of a good one, or are one yourself, please message me! It would be a great help(: I think I'm doing okay in the spelling/grammar/punctuation department, with a few minor mistakes here and there, but if you think otherwise be free to message me! I take all constuctive criticsm, but remember readers, that's different then hate mail.

Updates will be coming shortly!

March 27th, 2010 at 02:20pm