I hate this stupid thing on poems

I can't go to it cause that stupid picture of Kanya gets in the way. who decided to put that there and when?
And if Kanya didn't do that to Taylor then her Carrier wouldn't have shot off. Yes it was rude, but leave it alone, like I'm about to because it was long ago and I never really cared.
I just want to know if it's on anyone else computer and if it is when it came up. yeah I know a lot of poems in poems are stupid and terrible, all from 13 year olds about being in love when they can't be and just bad. But I like to hunt out the good poets like Tempted
Same with stories. Which is why when ever I need a good story in mibba I will ask the people of journals. which I won't be doing any time soon because I'm grounded until April 20Th. I'm not even suppose to be on now, I'm just visiting my grandparents. Which is another reason to get mad at poems, i only have a limited time to find a damn good one. I don't think mine are ready to go on yet.
But an way, this has been my mini-rant that I will now end.
March 28th, 2010 at 04:22am