Poser! Poser! Poser!

This world is full of posers. People are constantly trying to be something they're not, just to get the attention of others. I find it rediculous. So I believe I am going to tell you my story.

So it all happened last night. I was watching "The Blind Side" with my family, when all of a sudden, I get a text message from someone that I didn't know. The message said, "Hey sexy." So obviously I said what anyone would say if they were put into this situation. "Who are you." He just kept sending me perverted messages, saying I was attractive,(not the word he used.) He tells me that he has a six pack, and that he was a hockey player from Newton Falls.

Then later that night, he tells me, "Hey, you're going to be mad at me." I didn't understand what he was talking about, until he tells me that everything he told me was a lie! He said that he didn't have a sixpack, and that he was actually overweight. He said that the only sport he played was The "Yugio Card Games," and that he wasn't even from Newton Falls!

I wasn't angry with him. I just thought it was kind of pathetic how he had to make up an image of himself to impress someone.

That is what it has all come to. People have to pretend to be something they're not to fit in, and impress others. Don't you find something wrong with this picture?
March 28th, 2010 at 08:37pm