Spring Break is over....

Strange as it is, I had spring break this week, and it is now over :( I do not want to go back to high school, its so messed up. All things revolving around the preps and jocks who really aren't that cool. I mean really, how do these people become so popular? No offense but, i think that they're all mostly stupid, at my school anyway. I think they're all so idiotic and imature that they attract to eachother and thus form a big group. Personally, I'd rather be popular amoung the intelegant people, than popular amoung the overall population, which generally would follow the crowd to a point of jumping off a cliff. Anyway, who hates Biology? Its so sad when we disected the little froggy :( Everyone just started digging and cutting in to it! Seriously people, its a living thing and had emotions in its life! And all this crap about ' it choice to give its life to science' nonsence, THEY DIDN"T HAVE A CHOICE! They didnt' do it willingly! They were just killed, or found dead! Its tragic and it makes me sad. Well, that and the fact that I totally failed my test on it....
March 28th, 2010 at 10:07pm