-Gone to Target, be Back Soon.

A couple of months ago, my whole family (Mom, my Brother, and me) went to the dentists for a usual check-ups. Like usual I had the best teeth of us all! Ha. Anyways I'm sitting there waiting for the other two, messing with the big, fake, plastic ring I had gotten when I heard Mother nagging.

Oh dear, duck and cover.

"EIGHT CAVITIES! Eight cavities, Brandon, eight!"

And over course, he comes my 5'7, 300 lb brother, shaking the earth as he slumped into the waiting room grumbling about how she never shuts up, scurrying after him was our towering 5'1 Mom at his heals looking like she could kill. You see we aren't exactly the most wealthiest people alive so anything that involved more than 50 dollars was a huge 'no, no!' So naturally having to spend around 600-700 dollars to fill cavities in Brandon's teeth that we had just spent $1,700 to make them perfect was a huge uproar in Mom's world.

The whole ride home she lectured him about how gross it was and how terrible he'll look and that he has to brush his teeth 2-3 times a day (did I mention he rarely brushes his teeth with the feeble excuse of "I forget."?), and you'd think that after half a day's lecturing, nagging, and bitching from Mom he'd have had the idea drilled in his head.

But that didn't happen.


Today we went to target to pick up some assentials, I, needing a flower for science and a new journal because my previous one was full, Mom to get kitty food, shampoo, and who knows what else, and lastly, Brandon, who had stomped off for a new anime book and a couple of video games (we were all feeling rich with just 20 dollars in our pockets from our help cleaning Phil's apartment). When we were all ready Brandon was moping about not getting the book or the videogame he wanted because Mom wouldn't buy them for him (Did I forget to say he's 16 and I'm only 14?). But yet, still clutched in his fat hands was 3 pounds of candy and a large Icee. While in the car Brandon complaining about how uncomfortable it was because it was so small (we have a 2006 Honda Accord) when Mom suddenly shrieks in horror.

What at you may ask?

The visible cavities in Brandon's mouth.

Mom starts to just bawl her eyes out Brandon apologizing and saying he's sorry - there is no way boy that you forget to brush your teeth everyday! You stand and watch me do it!

Mom nags him out and he huffly stormed inside when we got home - I now sit here in my room listening to the music of Twilight Princess coming from his room and thr rustle of a candy bag being raided - will he ever learn?
March 29th, 2010 at 12:13am