
Well I thought I would update ou guys on how everything is going lately.... Umm I have a new boyfriend and no I haven't forgotten about my last one, I still care about him. Me and my ex are just friends now, we insult eachother constantly, (in a joking way.. sorta). My new boyfriend is really different from my ex, he's scene like I am and he doesn't really play sports or do exceptional in school. He's still pretty cool and I like him alot, but I'm not gonna fall in love with him for awhile. I'm stilll really torn up over my last relationship and he's knows that. I'm starting to become really happy again in life, I feel like I have something to live for again. My boyfriend always makes me smile and he likes everything about me, even me being a klutz he likes.
March 29th, 2010 at 04:16am