Tonights a Mayday Parade Night

Its night like these when i miss you the most
Sleep wont come and I'm all alone
I wanna pick up the phone and give you a call
but for all i know know itll end up in an argument

My friends say I need to try one last time
I guess I'm just to afraid
You really did a number on me this time
From panic attacks to hidden crying spells

I plan on giving you the picture tomorrow
I hope you like it and you start talking to me
If this doesn't work than I guess
I'll get the point and leave you alone
But I dont know if I'm that strong

I guess all I really mean by all this is
I love you, you're my best friends
I miss you, please come back
We can work this out, I'm willing to forgive
March 29th, 2010 at 07:10am