Banging my head against a wall until my eye balls fall out...

My life has been pretty stressful lately. I kind of feel like this guy:


Except, I'm banging my head against a wall until my eye balls fall out and my face is worn down to bones. I just can't stand the way my household is right now. My parents practically hate each other. Every time they go into a room together they yell and bicker with one another. My dad is a lazy butt and doesn't do anything to help around the house, which makes my mother stressed out, so when she goes to talk to him about it, she's all grumpy and he starts freaking out. I hate it! I can't stand to listen to it anymore. They fight about absolutely everything! I don't think they even love each another more. I'm pretty sure that sex must not be the great because neither of my parents have gotten any in probably ten to thirteen years. I wish I could just disappear for a week on a deserted island. There's so much negativity in my house I think I might go insane if I stay in it for too long.

Oh, and did I mention that I can't even go off alone to a park probably about 100 yards away from my house without getting a lecture from my mother? Why can't she understand that when she is going to yell at my father that I don't want to fucking hear it?!


On a different note, for some reason now, whenever I hear the word wedding, I get extremely excited. I'm not even trying to be excited, but I get excited. I've never been the type of person who see's a wedding somewhere and we'll be like, "Aw! How cute, a wedding!" No, that's not me. But for some reason I've been really interested in weddings, and it's kind of bothering me.

Oh well.

Now, I think I'm going to grab my Diana Wynne Jones and relax. Thanks for listening, mibba.
March 29th, 2010 at 08:07am