School Sucks...

I am bored.

And you know what? I am glad that im bored. Because the school term is coming to an end, and in 5 days i am off up the coast with my family to our holiday spot.

Now, why are you bored, did i hear you ask? Well, my dear friends, it is because there is no more Geography Assignment to worry about, there is no more History assignment to worry about. Yes there is still that wretched Health Assignment due, but whos cares about Health.

I. AM. BORED. Because i have nothing to do but write another journal..... AND I LIKE IT!!!

I am so over Year 10. I wish that i could leave school at the end of this year, but NOOOOO, the stupid government had to change the age for leaving school up to 17, so i am stuck in this stupid hell hole till Year 12.

I guess, in a way, it is a good idea to stay at school until year 12, but i am just so sick of teachers trying to teach us stuff that we are never going to remember 3 years after we leave school and stuff that we don't care about! I mean seriously! Answer me this: Are you going to remember all the political history you learnt of your country when you graduate from school?

.... Okay i hear a few yes's, but im hoping the majority of you are on my side!

When i think about it, next year will be better, because we have electives that we want to do and nothing else!! No Science if we don't want to! No Geography if we don't want to! Just Music and Hospitality and Ancient History! Though i might have to do Biology if i want to become a Vet nurse... BUT YOU GET MY POINT!

I guess i am contradicting myself a little bit here. In one of my other journals i remember saying that you have to treasure the time you have in high school, cause you are going to be in the real world before you know it, and you will be wanting to come back to high school.

But i AM going to treasure every minute of high school! ... just not the ones where im falling asleep in class cause the stupid lesson is so boring.

OKAY! Enough talk! Im confusing myself by changing my mind every paragraph ( i tend to write as i go along so sorry if this doesn't make any sense) So i am coming to the conclusion that i have to treasure every moment of High School, just not the whole lessons and assignments and late nights doing the assignment because we left it to the last minute AGAIN!

... Case closed. BRING ON THE HOLIDAYS!!!
March 29th, 2010 at 08:30am