Harry Potter, Harry Potter, OO! First Journal, whut?

After years of being a Harry Potter fan, since the first movie came out, when I was roughly 6 or 7 and after years of wanting to read the books. I finally am. And by God am I more obsessed than ever. I started reading them last Wednesday I think and I'm on the 3rd book.

All of my friends feel like crying with every reference I make. It's hilarous.
Now, I've been on this site at least 2 years or so, and this is my first journal entry.

Blink 182 is coming to Dublin and the tickets go on sale Thursday, I'm totally going. Easter break in 2 days. Hell yeah.

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to write my story Angel Claw, I really can't seem to write it. I'm trying though. I'm hoping I'll get the next chapter up soon, and my other stories I have to continue writing.

Gah, I can't wait til Saturday either! Ribena and money! Codes names for things people shall never know.
March 29th, 2010 at 11:35pm