Presure Sucks. And Not In The Good Way!

So my readers! We meet again! The title of this journal leads you to believe this journal has something to do with pressure. Well if you guessed that the title is totally irelevent and does not have anything to do with what im talking about, you my friend, are indeed wrong. But if you think this is about some boring story that you slicked just to see if you were right, well my other friends, you may be right.

It all depends on how you look at it. Pressure is never a good thing. Expecially when it comes from "friends". But there is good pressure at bad times. Like if you want to join a team or club but have to much work to catch up on and friends pressure you into joining the team and you wind up getting all your homework put in the system as a 0. That is good pressure at bad times.

If you are being pressured into something like i was today..(i.e...drugs smoking not going home...)then that is sooo bad pressure.

This pressure came from my best friend. I was lucky to be strong enough to turn around and find a friend to bring me home. I thank that friend lots and i know that she is a true friend.

What is the best or worst thing you have ever gotten pressured into doing??
love you guys!!!

March 30th, 2010 at 11:32pm