
Life is hard. Thats why they call it living. If life was supposed to be easy, they would simply call it death. We will all strugle along the way, some much more than others. Does that make us different? Yes and No. Does this mean anything to you? Maybe not. but just maybe these are the exact words you need to hear right now. As life progresses, we are bound by our own mistakes. We need only to be incouraged to do the right thing and so it shall be done. With the will to be better we will over come the preasures and hard times life throws at us. There will be times when you wish to give up, just stop and end it all. when that time comes, ask your self: Am i a failure? In giving up I loose. Loose the power to change, the power to make a difference. in giving up I am what they say. If your answer is yes. then you are weak. If you say no, you are stronger than you may think. Life is meant to be hard. It is meant to be bad at times, tiresome even. Death is easy, the road to it may be long and hard but in the end, if you are a believer you go to heaven, your fate is sealed. there is no more bad. Life gets us to the place we most want to go. The road is long, tough, full of pain and sorrow, as well, it is full of joy and happiness. Friends and family. Along the way you will meet people who stay with you forever and some who will let you down. Lifes a trip. A journey we must all go on. Are you ready?
April 1st, 2010 at 12:19am