Possible story ideas?

Did anyone ever watch the movie "Speed Racer"? It's pretty modern... 2008, I think? The live-action one with Emile Hirch.
Well, I am very fascinated with that modern world and have considered writing a story that takes place in that time. Here's the summary that I sketched in my notebook earlier:

Welcome to the sprawling megapolis of Metro. Spanning for dozens of miles, from polished estates and massive skyscrapers to the cookie-cutter tract homes and crumbling slums. The city is forever stuck in a permanent night, lit up by vibrant neon lights, but the sun only shines once a year, on the day of the Street Knights Motorcon. The SKM is a monumental motorbike race, pitting the most talented racers from all neighborhoods against each other in the twisted Hayward Coliseum Track.
Xenon Walker and Tyler Ford are arguably the two best racers in all time. The teenage proteges of the legendary Demyxtriana Takeshi, have been fierce enemies for the past 12 years. Despite their childhood friendship, their entire lives are put on the line as the day of the SKM approaches and they fall into a turbulous relationship with each other. But one near-death experience could possibly tear them apart.

Oooh dramatic, isn't it? Yeah I love it too. Mmkay... And I used to write Alec Volturi fanfiction on Quizilla... *insert embarassment here* I kinda sorta got a new idea. No clue yet of what happens, but here's the line I thought of.

Before Bella & Edward, there was Sophia & Alec. If only their ending had been as happy...

Comment and tell me what you think. Also, if you have ideas for either one, shoot me a message, por favor? :)
But don't worry about Monroeville Academy, that one I will definitely finish.

April 1st, 2010 at 01:58am