Most awkward History class ever! (and some questions)

Well today in History class we had to take a test and word around school was that it was really hard. So I walk into class and I'm talking to my friend Hannah and she was talking about how the period before she had taken a really hard math test and she was really worried about this History test. Then our teacher tells us to settle down and starts prepping us for the test and he says "I hope you guys memorized you maps." Well thing is he said there wasn't going to be maps on this test a couple of days ago but he was saying that as an early April fools joke since we don't have class for Easter Holidays. Well, before he revealed to us that he was just kidding, Hannah starts bawling and freaking and he just stood there with a horrified face and had to calm her down. It was just so awkward! I felt really bad for both of them.

Okay questions!!!

1. What is the worst April Fools joke you've heard about/had happen to you?
2. Do have any awkward stories from school?
3. What is the color of your eyes?
4. What is you favorite song at the moment?
5.Did you have a good day?
April 1st, 2010 at 02:55am