Don't you just hate it when,

the boy you've liked for... years, five years to be exact, is never yours?

It SUCKS! This kid, we'll name him... Bob, ha; anyways, Bob claims that he's liked me ever since I transferred to his middle school in 7th grade. Well, it's now junior year and yet me and Bob didn't go anywhere at all.

We've confessed to each other that we just can't stay away from each other and that neither of us can get over the other.

Bob's had two girlfriends all throughout high school, and I've had the same amount of boyfriends as well, and it seems everytime I get into a relationship, he pushes himself into my life even more. Jealousy? I have no idea.

There was even a point where I went to the movies with him and a couple of other friends and I almost cheated on my boyfriend with Bob. But luckily, I didn't. I know what you're thinking, slut, but have you ever sat right next to someone you really really liked in the movie theatres, without the boy attempting to hold your hand? Not to mention he had a girlfriend at the time as well.

It'd hard to stay away from him. And I'm disappointed to say that there was a time when he cheated on his girlfriend with me. I don't know what I was thinking, and I seriously regret it. It's HARD.

Anyways, he then broke up with his girlfriend for me. He then proceeded to ignore me because, "he didn't want people to talk crap." Well, turns out he started talking to another girl.

And now, here Bob is, pushing his way back to me.

It's hard to deny someone when you once told them you loved them, and it's even harder when they've said it back to you. And when he's told you that he can picture you being his wife, and what your kids would look like.

It hurts. Five years. And he's confessed to my friend that he's waited for me, but everytime he gets close to get me, I end up unavailable. He's told her that he just has to kiss me to see if it would mean anything.

Well, we've kissed. Outside of my house, in the driveway, in my room. He left for awhile after that. Didn't talk to me.. And then he came back, that's when he kissed me more and cheated on his girlfriend. Of course I blame it on myself, but I'm living with my mistakes.

We've kissed, made out, but I wasn't stupid enough to go that far with him.

So, girls, have you guys ever had someone like Bob? Someone who claims they can never be just friends with you and yet treat you like a carpet. But you love them so much that you put up with them, even if that sets you up to getting hurt.

I have never been any happier with this boy, and I just want him to be mine already.

Got a similar story?
Tell me about it, we can sulk together :)
April 1st, 2010 at 03:36am