45 minutes, Jim and Pam, Silk Spectre or Tinkerbell?

'Kay, I think I have a new favourite couple. Jim and Pam from The Office, US version. Nawh they're so cute. :) Anyway...

My ears are really cold, or it might just be my face, my nose is but it's always cold, I guess that's a way of telling me I'm healthy? Oh apart from my stupid foot! What is it with feet? I hate them, they're disgusting. I wouldn't mind just walking on stumps... or just having Barbie doll feet, toes are evil... but then guys would have to be banned from wearing sandles 'cause let's face it Ken's feet are worse than humans. Enough about lumps of plastic.

I think my cousin got kicked out of her house so I guess she's staying with us. I don't mind. She's engaged to a soldier who is in Afghanistan for 6 months, she seems to be holding up but last time he went to Canada for training she tried to fuck my boyfriend. Well he's my boyfriend now... but he liked me at the time.


This is beyond an obsession now, but it's just so hilarious. Nyahaha, and Jim (John Krasinski) is just... I could eat him ;)

I want to write something, but what? I'm in an artistic mood but I have writing block. I also have to choose a costume for a friends Heroes and Villains party next week. Silk Spectre a.k.a Sally Jupiter from Watchmen or Tinkerbell. To be honest I reckon Silk Spectre is way more hardcore. I wanted to be a villain but there are no attractive villains apparently. Sucks to be meh. I'm so glad Google Chrome has spell check, even if it doesn't recognise Google as a word :S Ha, what if they added Google to the dictionary? I guess it's in the Urban Dictionary, but opening the Oxford Dictionary and finding Google, 'twould be funny, then again I'm just sad.

Strangely I'm in high spirits at the moment, probably 'cause I've watched three and a half episodes of The Office.


...'till my fix.

Why can't kids shut up? You tell them "Dad's in bed, he's really ill" and he still cries and screams at the top of his voice. Why did my mother have so many kids? It's not like she looks after them. Yes, she's hurting so bad after an operation, she can still drive the card to Tesco and walk around though, but at home, despite the fact that I have a bad foot I'm the one cleaning up and chasing after her arsehole children. I wasn't bitter at first, but now I am. Then again I should (according to Ryan) stop complaining about things that can't be fixed. Well more specifically stop complaining about things to him that he can't fix. Jeez I never knew that I wasn't aloud to talk to my boyfriend! You know, I don't open up often but every now and then when I do, it would be nice to have some support as opposed to "stop being a drama-queen".

I have actually this week with mum's constant bitching and my brother's constant screaming and my sister's selfishness and my dad's inability to do painting and decorating when the kids are in bed, to kill myself. I just can't stand being here.

I want to claim my citizenship and then piss off to Australia for university and then go travelling but for the three and half, and probably longer, years that I'm going to be in Australia they're probably going to follow over. Joyful.

My little brother, Aaron is so rude. And Alfie is turning into him. It's probably 'cause my dad spoils him and every other word out of mum's mouth has to be a profanity, whatever it is, I don't know. All I know is I want to strangle the little bastard sometimes. I mean my family are always so loud and they don't shut up it makes me feel like trailer trash.

[28 minutes]

I want noodles. This is an essay and where's my sister fucking off to? Oh shit it must be nice to seclude yourself, I wish I could do that. I got told off for going to bed. I got told off for calling someone that my mum doesn't even like, a cow and there she is calling my brother a "spastic" or saying crap or some other minor swear word... I don't get it! I'm almost 17! She's just turned 15. She also has a boyfriend, I would have got told off for having a boyfriend if I was her age. S:

My dad's family are actually douches. My dad's second cousin committed suicide, he was 15 and his eight year old brother found him hanging. So my cousin (my dad's sister's daughter) is discussing his death with my dad's cousin (his Auntie Jean's daughter) on Facebook where his Gran (my dad's Aunt) can see. Have they no shame? Anyway... so the funeral was the other day, we didn't go, we didn't know about it, then again we didn't know him (huge family row, didn't see family for almost 10 years), anywho, my mum got a text from my dad's cousins saying "George's funeral was today, me (dad's cousin), mum (dad's auntie, George's Gran's sister) and Gualani (dad's other cousin) were not invited and found out on Facebook". How rude is that?

She didn't even know about the funeral. Her mum's own sister didn't tell her. My dad's family are selfish. To make it a bit more bitchy, my dad's sister and brother went to the funeral after they bitched to George's mum about how she didn't deserve to be a mum and all this lot... so now they've gone to her sons funeral, blatantly thinking that it was her fault.

I think it's a bit shitty. Then again that's my dad's family for you. My aunt charged my Grandad (her dad) to do his washing... how fucking stingy.

I'm so glad I have nothing to do with them.

Sorry I just really needed to vent that, they get me so stressed and I feel so disgusted.

I still have twenty minutes left 'till I can watch The Office. I want noodles I don't think we have them though.

Isn't it shitty how your own boyfriend can afford to go on binges with his mates for 18 hours at a time but can't afford to take you out for a meal on a date that you both set to go out? Welcome to my world. I feel so... unwanted sometimes by him. Then again you can't fix it so why should I be telling you?

SilkSpectre or Tinkerbell, guys?
April 1st, 2010 at 08:47pm