Question me!

Jenna ( made me a questionare.

1. Who would win in a fight? Edward Cullen or Amazing Phil?
amazingphil duh, edward cullen would be blinded by his awesomeness and die.

2. If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
erm, mushrooms, i just like them.

3. What is your favorite published work? Least favorite?
that i published? um favorite would have to be "just say there's no pressure" it's on mibba, as for least favorite... i don't know they all kind of go with each other so i dont really detest one.

4. What is your favorite calendar holiday?
probably easter because it's warm out and i get a lot of days off of school

5. If you had to live with out an iPod or a computer, which would it be?
computer because i can listen to music on it, though it would suck to have no ipod D:

6. What would intreigue you the most: a water gun, sparkly object, child's toy, or a kickball?
kickball because they are bright colors and i could sit on them.

7. If you could live in one month forever, what would it be and why?
august, its so hot and you're cherishing everyday you have left before you have school, plus theres someone i really want to talk to i see in august

8. Would you rather hand-write a letter or type it?
type, im a fast typer and my handwriting is not prettiful.

9. Dr. Pepper or Orange Soda?
well i like me some orange drank but dr.pepper is better

10. Would you rather smell likw Christmas or vinilla?
vanilla just because you spelt it wrong and i wanted to correct you

11. When have you laughed your hardest?
"i'm gonna eat it.... ok i'm not come get some!"

12. What is the song that is most fun to karoke to?
any song that i know the words to ;)

13. Hayley Williams of Lady Gaga in a voice-off?
hayley williams bc i love her more. sorry
14. What color has more meaning to you: blue, red, or yellow?
i don't know about meaning but red as always fasinated me

15. Would you ever move to a foreign place for the rest of your life? Why or why not?
yes it would be great to start off new because i could be whoever i wanted and not be held back by what i've done in the past.
April 2nd, 2010 at 04:11am