MORE negaitivity...lovely, right?

ok, you guys remember my roommates right? Jesus qinuones and Denise (insert complicated spainish name here)?
well, they've slowly and quite obviously become rude and horrid people...
come to find out they've stolen $2500 from my mother, switched up our housing lease so that we aren't on it, and now they're kicking us out. but despite all that, i'm just biting my lip and keeping up the "hello's" and "is there anything around the house that needs to be done?" I dont get people sometimes, with how shitty the world is today, how can friends betray friends like its just a chore. they're thinking about it like; take out the trash,walk the dog,lie to roommates and steal money,get eggs and milk. My friend in california, Muna, told me to just keep on fighting through it, it's just a test. A TEST?! FOR FIFTEEN F#%KING YEARS?!...SAT from hell if you ask me. What's worse? We trusted them, so we, like idiots, didn't ask for copies of anything. so now we are screwed with no legal proof to call them out, and are getting kicked out and treated like an inconvenince. I've made a point to stay a proud christian through out all of my life's troubles and hardships, half because im hardheaded and stubborn,half because i swear i'm the only non-athiest/agnostic left. but i dont know anymore...god's punishing me for no reason...why worship him? what's even worse than that? i can go on for hours about all the horrible shit happening to me in the past two months and as i'm typing, but i'm too lazy. HA! at least that part of me isn't broken...yet.
April 2nd, 2010 at 01:08pm