Latest happenings.

Ryan hasn't called. The last time I spoke to him was at some point yesterday afternoon, he said that he would call and he hasn't yet. He went out, so he's probably hungover. Then again, even if he does call we'll only have an argument and he'll only tell me that I've ruined his day.

Why am I so bothered by it? If he doesn't want to talk to me he doesn't want to talk to me. I probably deserve it.

Anyway, I'm totally in love with Google Chrome, despite not having Google in it's dictionary it still has a dictionary! Ah, I love spell-check, although it doesn't do the green thingy for grammar. I must seem dead sad for getting hyped up over spell-check on an internet browser. =/ Then again nothing merely exciting has happened to me.

I was meant to meet my friend Martin for a coffee, where we wouldn't actually drink coffee, today. I haven't got any money 'cause someone stole mine out of the bathroom. I had put it in my bra and fell asleep and when I got home and showered I found it there so I left it in the bathroom whilst I had wet hands and went into my bedroom and accidentally left it there. I'm so stupid. So yeah some shitty member of my family has picked it up and pocketed it. Bastards. Then again I'm pretty sure that I did move it so I could just be making false accusations.
Yeah, so I'm pretty pissed off about not being able to meet Martin.

My foot is really killing me today, probably 'cause my brother decided to throw a tantrum on it. Stupid kids. I hate them. I seem to be hating a lot of things lately... this is why Ryan is going off of me. Then again, I think the negativeness is simply realism.

I need to shower. I'm so tired, I was watching The Office until like 4am and got up at almost 12 to my distinct dismay. I really want to shower, but dad's decorating (friends coming over tomorrow...old ones... he wants to show off) and so I'll only get mucky again. I might ask him for a fiver/tenner to go out with. I really fancy a Subway.

What would happen if I kept eating Subs? I may just turn into a giant Italian BMT or maybe just an Italian. That'd be cool. My Big Grumps (Great Grandad) is Italian. Would I get hugely fat like that guy who only ate McDonalds, then again the rate of my metabolism? I'm lucky if I can hold a Christmas dinner in my hips :( I don't like being skinny.

I want to watch The Office, I may just get told off for not throwing my weight though and I really want that shower. I may tidy the bathroom before hand 'cause my dad wants to decorate in there I think. I asked him to repaint my bedroom months ago.. apparently I'm not a priority.

Gah, I'm such a fucking whiner. I'm turning into one of them people that just moan and moan and moan. This is why my relationship is failing. I need to start being more optimistic.

Oh fuck they're gonna paint the ceiling.

I hate home improvements! Both the programme and the actual redecorating of your household. My dad has trodden white stuff onto mum's mat. She's gonna freak. Should I attempt to hoover it? I can't be bothered. I'm so lazy.

April 2nd, 2010 at 02:04pm