I'm Going To Be Famous!

Hey guys. I just had something marvelous happen to me, and I thought I would share it with my fellow mibbites. (:

So I'm sure you guys all know that I want to be a writer/journalist when I get older. Well I was just checking the mail every other day, when I found a large envelope with my name on it inside. I brought it into the house, very curious as to what could be inside.

When I opened up the envelope, I immediatley realized what it was. It was information on a publishing company. They said that they wanted me to write a book!

Now, I don't like to look on the negative side. But the first thing I did was flip to the last page to check out the prices.

I regret to tell you, dear readers, that I cannot publish a book right now. The money is simply not there. But sometime in the future, I would LOVE to publish a book. It's always been my dream.

Now being a famous writer is going to take some serious work. I know alot of you are probably thinking that I wont be made famous if I have a couple books made. Well, I forgot to tell you that if I publish a book, it will automatically go to stores such as Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.

So you better be checking around for Kayla Mills, for I WILL be going places. (:
April 2nd, 2010 at 06:44pm