It feels like summer! and Looking for Alaska (Questions)

It is such a beautiful day out! I've been outside all day and I just came in to have lunch and check facebook and stuff, but right after this I'm going back out! Me and my friends have been playing kickball outside for like 3 hours everyday the last couple of days. (Wow that sentence has got to be grammatically incorrect!) I love this weather so much! I can't get over it and it is making me really excited for summer vacation.

Okay now to talk about Looking for Alaska, the novel by John Green. I've read two of his other books, Paper Towns and An Abundance of Katherines, and he is a really fantastic author. You'd probably agree if you've read any of his books. Well I'm reading his book Looking for Alaska at the moment and I just love it. I haven't finished it yet but I can already tell that I'll probably remember this book for a really long time. Also if you're a John Green fan I think today is the first day you can pre order his new book Will Grayson, Will Grayson so go do it!

1. Are you enjoying the weather
2. Have you read a book by John Green
3. If so did you like it?
4. What is your favorite book?
April 2nd, 2010 at 08:29pm