Season - Summer

Its now the middle of spring, For some places in the world its nice but here - utter rubbish. Do you live in one of those places where the seasons like to come and go at there please, this morning here it was nice and sunny like spring should be but then by afternoon it was winter again.

To be honest i cannot wait for summer to come, even thought autumn is my favourite season, 2010 summer is going to be great. I love those summers where everything happens at the spur of the moment. i love to lay in the grass looking at the sky just doing nothing at all, i love the feeling of the night when its warm and chatter is about everywhere. i love it when you wish the day would never end. When your friends seem like a different person because of summer. The time of year where people relax. not like go to the spa and relax. more like go to your friends house and talk and tan relax. Festivals are about and holidays. Summer is just something that makes everyone happy. So whats your favourite thing about summer??

I have to say i am getting optomistic these days. i wonder where my sense of negativity has gone, like the british should be. But oh well its nice to look on the bright side for once.
April 2nd, 2010 at 11:43pm