Good Friday

How do you pronounce Mibba? (I would pronounce it meeb-uh.)

&... Is anyone else on Mibba catholic?

I'm new and not too sure of things around here, lol; do people talk about religion at all?

Well, I'm about to...


Today is Good Friday. It is the last Friday of Lent, and a day when all catholics fast and mourn the death of Jesus Christ. It is a day when we remember all of His miracles and spoken words of wisdom, and when we remember that He opened up the door of Heaven for all of us sinners.

I can't say that I have been the perfect christian during this Lenten Season. I've messed up my sacrificed junk food a few times, and I've dwelled on the bad rather than the good. I haven't been as kind to my siblings as I could of been either. But I have tried my hardest, and that, I think, is enough.

Also, I just learned today that Good Friday is the only day of the year in which mass isn't offered at the catholic church. I went to look up today's mass times on the church's website, and that's what it told me.


Anyway, Mibba is pretty cool so far. The people I've talked to so far are nice and there seems to be a lot of things to do here. I think I'm going to like it here...

Care to introduce yourself to me? :)

April 3rd, 2010 at 01:29am