Hello, What Is Your Name Little Fella?

Haha, that was random. What's up? I haven't posted a journal in a while, so I thought I would. I just wanteed to say that Mibba is the greatest website ever, and the people on here are amazing, at least some of them are.

I have to go pick up my mom tomorrow. She is in jail. I don't really know if I want to go get her. I think she can stay there for a while longer. But, whatever. I'll waste a day of my life, to drive all of the way across the state just to get her.

Well, what are you all up to? I would love some amazing people to talk to. :D

Also, you could read my stories, and comment on them. One of them is an ATL Fanfic that I'm cowriting with RemusLupin, who is obviously the more taleneted out of the two of us, and the other one is an original fiction that is not really even started yet, but I'll give you more details once it is all organized and what not.

Everyone tell me one thing about themselves quick!

I'm very hyper today. One good thing about being in a Christian family is that , even if you don't believe in God, like me, as long as you don't tell people tat, you still get Christmas presents and Easter candy. :D

I'm bored now, so byebye! :D
April 3rd, 2010 at 10:19pm