Who is Matt Smith?

Because I know most of you are thinking it (just like I bet many people hadn't heard of Elizabeth Gaskell, the 19th century author whose name I stole for my last username) and because I'm in a particularly fangirly mood I decided to make a little journal about him.

Matt Smith is a British actor currently masquerading as the Eleventh incarnation of the Doctor. At 27, he's the youngest actor ever to take on the lead role in the world's longest-running sci-fi television series, BBC's Doctor Who. And he is amazing.
No, really, look at that face. Such a wonderful face.

I have been firmly Team Eleven since precisely 7:54 PM (GMT) on the 1st of January 2010. That is to say from the moment Ten regenerated. When Matt was first announced, I hadn't heard of him (and nor had anyone else) but I was cautiously optimistic. Then I got my first glimpse and my heart was won. Admittedly, all of the haters seem to have done a pretty sharp U-turn since last night so maybe I'm preaching to the converted, but still. That is who Matt Smith is, and this is why he is awesome. Even if he's still not ginger.

Anyway. A brief note on usernames. I've felt like I'm committing some sort of crime both of the times I've change mine XD
Well, of course I know I'm not, but it still makes me feel a bit guilty. I might go back to elizabeth gaskell soon, I might not. Anyway, I don't see it as changing usernames. I now see it as regenerating.
....Bloodraine is a timelord!
Jon Pertwee:
Going around, debating in Time And Space.
And so it goes on.

(Bonus gif, because it made me shriek with delight):
April 5th, 2010 at 12:08am