Expelled from school [w/ questions]

How not to get expelled from school
Do not have your phone out in the hall.
Do not flip off the dean when he takes the phone away.
Do not scream "FUCK THIS" once you realize how screwed you are.
Do not leave school without getting your pipe out of your locker first.
Do not then deny ever doing anything and then get caught lying.

I bet you're wondering why I'm telling you how not to get expelled from school, aren't you?
Well I did all of the things listed above on Friday. Today my school called and told me that I can't ever come back to that school.

Yeah... I think that pretty much sums up how absolutely wonderful my day was. -insert sarcasm here-

No school
Did what I've been longing to do for a long time
School didn't call the cops on me for possession of drug paraphernalia

Lost parents trust
Lost favorite pipe
Lost phone
Can't go back and see all my wonderful friends
Missed girl being arrested today
Might have to repeat the grade
Might have to do summer school

What was I thinking?!
Oh yeah, it was something along the lines of

Question time!
1. Have you ever been expelled/suspended?
2. If so, what for?
3. How was your day?

Short. Simple. Sweet. Done.
April 5th, 2010 at 08:22am