Doctors offices are so freaking boring. :/

I am sitting at my mom's work;
She works at U of L Family Medicine or some shit like that.
It's very boring here and some of these patients are freaks, Hah.
During my mom's lunch break she is going to take me to my friend Kristin's house;
Luckily she lives right down the street.
I could walk there but we are kinda in the ghetto?
I don't feel like getting raped today(:
Me and Kristin are going to walk to the library around here and meet our friend Addy.
I haven't hung out with him since he went to high school.
I miss that loser.
My mom has this horrible picture of me by her desk ?!
It's from 5th grade when I was a cheerleader.
I am so glad it is spring break!
Spring break is great because I get to be away from my living hell of a school.
And I don't have to be around all of the stupid racist redneck children in Bullitt County.
Most of those children don't deserve to live.
Aren't I just so sweet? (:
I am too short for this spinney chair.
My feet barely touch the ground.
Hah; I am terribly short :/
But it's whatever(:
I am going to the all-nighter tomorrow at Skate-O-Rama.
It'll be fun.
I'm going to try to pick up Kayla and take her with me;
She's dro(:
Autumn is going too.
So is Emily;
But I don't have to pick them up(:
This journal is random;
But aren't they all?
I'm going to sit here and be terribly bored and tired :/
Bye! <3
April 5th, 2010 at 04:09pm