Help with Names...

Hey guys!

I'm having trouble deciding a name for the new character in my story, "The Price of Fame."

He's the one in my latest chapter who, um, places the back over Morgan's head.

Let me give you some insight on him.

He is very reckless, daring, brave, cunning, and he doesn't play by the rules.

He has dark, spiked, brown hair, stunning green eyes, and is pale.

I have a few names in mind: Skyler, Jace, and Aiden. I was thinking about Nicholai or Alexandrei but I thought that gave the story a more fantasy feel to it.

There are NO vampires involved with this story, I'd like to add.

Please comment on which name you like the best! And if you have any other ideas, I'll gladly take them!

April 5th, 2010 at 05:17pm