A busy Holy week.

I've been pretty busy since the last journal I posted. I've seen my friend Kayla from up north, went over to my step-dad's sister's house for Easter, celebrated Easter at my house and at my grandparents', met my boyfriend's family finally, and went to the movies with him afterward :)

I've met a great person on Mibba by the username of postcards. She's very smart and talented and has a lot to say, so you should go check her out, haha :) She doesn't have any stories up, but her journals are really enlightening.

I've also drank soda and eaten sweets for the first time in forty days! It was really nice. We both have a lot of catching up to do, haha.

How are the fine people of Mibba? :)


(P.S. It's my step-mother's birthday. Send her love <3)
April 5th, 2010 at 06:32pm