You've Gotta Love Random Rants

Spring Break is almost over!! Ah many pretty flowers and nice weather and then summer ooh I love summer! I apologize for my run-on(:

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You know how on peoples' Aim/FB/myspace/etc. they post all of their best friends? That is really starting to annoy me; and oneof my good friends got really upset because she wasn't one of her supposed friends "BFFLADZ."

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Even with all of the years that the internet has been out, I find it truly amazing how many people you can meet.

It all started when I was at the meager age of 7, and I had discovered the joy of Webkinz.....

......And it continues to the age of 12, where I have discovered the lovely website of Mibba(:

It really is incredible how you can strengthen bonds over the Web too. One of my friends from years back found me on Aim (how she did that I do not know) and IMed me, and now she is one of my closest friends.

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It amazes me how no one in my homeroom has heard of All Time Low.

Seriously? Seriously? I can practically hear you thinking those very same thoughts as I spea--type.

I mean, I may be a lowly 6th grader (it pisses me off as 12 year olds look like they're 9 on TV, on purpose), but even lowly 6th graders should've heard of All Time Low by now!

In my opinion, anyway.

Everyone is too caught up on Justin Bieber (ew) to notice real music. I don't mean to offend any J. Bieber fans, and if I do I apologize, he just isn't my taste.

In music I mean.

And in, other terms, too I guess.

I don't understand how people say, "Ooh look, <insert so-called perfect celeb here> he is soo perfect. He's <good qualities>, etc, etc. But really, how do you know that this so-called "perfect" celeb is that type of person. You never know, and even if you meet him in person, you can never really tell.

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People can be real, in the words of the great Cosmo (from the Fairly Oddparents you silly Mibbians. Don't tell me you haven't seen TFOP before!), jidiots.

You read correctly, real jidiots.

"Why use such fowl language?" You might ask. "What is the reason for the jidiocacy?"

The answer is simple. How could you be "gay" if you don't show strong hatred, or a slight dislike, towards gay people?!?!

If you know the answer to this, could you please enlighten me by typing it in that little comment box at the bottom of the page? Thank you.

So here I am, walking into the lunch room, and a group of people are huddling around a guy who they think is gay.

I tell them, "So what? What's wrong with being gay? Haven't you seen Twilight, which you seem to be incredibly fond of?" This is where Mr. Big Jerk Bully's friends go, "Ouch, buuurn."

Ha, just kidding, I never said that. I actually like Twilight. It's not the greatest book in the world, but look what it started?? At every corner you turn at you see at least one story about a vampire-human love story.

So, Mr. Jerk Bully responded, "Well, uh, er, you're gay then. Yeah." Now his friends say, "Ouch, buuurn," while I'm standing there having a WTF moment.

Any answers to Mr. Jerk Bully's jidocay?

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Alas, I feel that I am done with my first rant/venting journal.

Any thoughts? Also, I'm sorry if I offended anyone with this.

I'm also sorry for boring you with my middle school life.

Now go enjoy the nice weather! I command you too! Get your butt off that chair and go outside!

Hint, the definiton for outside is not looking mindlessly at your computer screen hour-after-hour, which many people(including me) are still confused about.

Well, it might not be so nice outside if you live in Alaska or Antarctica, but it is in New York.

Oh shoot, I just gave you my state didn't I? Oh well, I hope no stalkers are reading this. And if they are, tell them I said hello, and said my regards to their mother for me.

Wait, I don't know their mother do I? Oh shoot, I'm going into another rant, I'd leave now if I were you.

So long, Mibbians.


P.S. Did anyone finish that? I have to say, with all of the (____) I'd be surprised if you even m,ade it up to the third paragraph.
April 5th, 2010 at 08:55pm